We have partnered with Petco Love Lost to easily help search the national lost and found database and create a searchable/shareable alert for your missing pet. Upload a a picture of your pet or search by location. Powered by facial recognition technology, Petco Love Lost helps match found animals to reported lost pets nationwide.

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to register your pet on Petco Love Lost and create a shareable listing of your lost pet, with the option to print out pre-made flyers. Flyers can also be received via text or email. You can distribute your listing on social media, Craigslist and Nextdoor.

Found a pet?

Fill out our Found Animal Report!

Lost your pet?

This application will add your pet into our list database to help us match your pet with our reports. This is not a perfectly sound system, so please continue to routinely call us and check our website and Facebook page for your pet.

Please note that it currently takes up to 24 hours (on business days) to update an animal into our lost pet database.

Photos of your lost pet may be sent to us on Facebook messenger or at our email: staff.dhsshelter@gmail.com. Please include your name in the message. The more photos we have of the pet, the more likely they are to be reunited with their owner.